Wednesday, 17 April 2013

I'm Back... to Black.

Well, it's been some time since I've posted anything to my blog... I sort of had a vague sense I was neglecting it, but I'm a bit incredulous at how long it's actually been. There really hasn't been much going on fetish-wise until recently, so that probably contributed somewhat. So, all that said, I'm going to try to get back onto the rubber-horse, so to speak. (Yes, it's a thing.)

I've just gotten back from Rubbout 22, which is the longest-running annual rubber event in North America. The experience was, as always, something to remember. A full write-up can be read at Rubber Canuck's blog, and I recommend you take a look. It's quite interesting to see the sheer level of effort and dedication that is required to pull off a weekend party of this size. Certainly something to consider for any person with ambitions to start a similar event in their own neck of the woods.

I met some new faces (and muzzles) and had an all-around good time. Certainly, the highlight of the event for me was the puppy party. I'm not into puppy play myself, but it's a ton of fun just being around the action. Particularly when you get to see the reactions of all the "normies" on the street. A dog hood might be a bit pricey for some at about $200, but the reactions are absolutely priceless!

Out in tactical gear with the K9 Unit

On Davie Street. With the K9 Unit.

Unit 69, respond to a 3-11 at the Junction Pub.

Also, a fellow by the name of rubCAD showed off an absolutely jaw-dropping super heavy inflatable rubber suit. The thing is quite the monster! Made by MD Latex, it's essentially a full suit with gloves and socks inside of another suit with heavier gloves and boots attached, all mated to a gas mask. It makes an Aquala look like n00b gear! It wouldn't have fit me, and I didn't get to try it on, but I got hard just being near it. The only downside is that this fantastic rubber encapsulation comes with a hefty price tag. But, if you've recently been made partner at your law firm, it can be yours for a mere $2000. Act now, there's only 2 left!

Wow. Just wow.

Speaking for myself, I find its the social aspect of the event that I enjoy the most. Being able to interact with like-minded guys; to talk, and play all weekend is a welcome indulgence for me. I find myself already thinking about Rubbout 23. Alas, sadly, Rubbout comes but once a year.

(I shall update with more photos as I get them.)


  1. Great review. I had also had a chance to read his blog. Yes great insite to how stressfull the job is.

    I too had a great time and cant wait until the next one.


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